Homeschool Cooperative Fridays

Students grade 3-8 are welcome to join us Fridays. Art clases are held from 11:30-12:30pm and Gym classes are held from 12:40:1:40pm. The cost is $7 per student per class with a maximum of $15 per family for each elective. Classes are taught by a member of our BCA faculty.
As a Homeschool Cooperative Fridays student through the BCA Extension Program, athletes grades 7-12 are invited to join our Sports Programs. With an annual commitment and sports fee, students can join us for the soccer, basketball and/or volleyball season.
In the event of school closures due to inclement weather, etc. Homeschool Cooperative Fridays will not meet. Please follow BCA on local news outlets and social media for closure information.
Our Program
It is the desire of BCA to assist parents in their God-given responsibility to educate their children. BCA’s Homeschool Extension is for students whose families are committed to homeschooling as an educational choice and desire outside courses to supplement their homeschool curriculum. Homeschool parents who participate in this program are responsible for reporting BCA courses and grades to their school districts. Parents will have access to their child’s grades and homework completion records online through RenWeb for grades 4-12.
Elementary Grades K-5
Homeschool Extension students can choose from special studio art, music and physical education classes. Other classes can be discussed- please call the office to schedule an appointment.
Middle School and High School Grades 6-12
We offer our junior and senior high school classes to homeschool students as space allows. Extension students may take up to two academic classes per semester, and up to two electives. A placement test is required for those registering for a math, Spanish or science class. A reading comprehension/language test may be required for those registering for an English or history class. Please see our Middle or High School page to see available courses and then call to schedule an appointment to discuss further.
Extra-Curricular Programs
Students are also welcome to attend and participate in numerous school activities, assemblies, fundraisers, cafeteria lunch hour, and much more throughout the year. Homeschool Extension students grades 7-12 may join our soccer, basketball, and/or volleyball teams. BCA is a member of the Empire State Christian Athletic League.