High School Grades 9-12 — Hands-on Academic Preparation
One goal is to provide our students with a comprehensive college preparatory academic program that prepares them to succeed in college and in life. We guide them as they select a college or university and help them as they make decisions about career planning. We provide students a broad based biblically informed education that prepares them for effective leadership and service in the 21st century.
We are proud of our committed Christian and qualified teaching faculty. We have a comprehensive high school, offering a full selection of courses. Each student has a personalized education plan, as well as reliable assessment of their progress, so that ultimately he or she is ready to go out into the world, prepared for whatever God has in store. Our students consistently place above-average on national testing. Over half of our last graduating class boasted a 94% or above grade average and 100% are enrolled in the college of their choice.
Chapel and Bible
High school students in grades 9-12 participate in chapel every week. Chapel is a chance for students and faculty to worship together through song and Biblical teaching. We have a variety of speakers, ranging from youth pastors to teachers, musicians to athletes, and drama groups to visiting Christian colleges.
An integral part of our high school is the spiritual training students receive through Bible classes. Introductory Bible during the freshman year lays the bedrock for developing a biblical world and life view. Bible classes are application oriented. Service and ministry are emphasized as well as mission outreach. Our goal is to help students think biblically so they can can apply it in their daily lives.
Growth Opportunities
In addition to regular academic core, students are given ample opportunity for roles in student government, leadership, service projects, missions, senior fundraising and other activities throughout the year. Science and History Fairs, spiritual growth retreats, sports boosters, concerts, spirit weeks, banquets and other special activities and are held throughout the year.
We encourage all of our students at BCA to participate in our sports programs from grades 7-12. Organized sports not only gives students the opportunity to learn self-discipline, but the importance of working together as a team and showing Christian sportsmanship. As a member of the Empire State Christian Athletic League, we offer soccer, basketball and volleyball opportunities to our students. We compete with other Christian schools in our league.
Studio Art
We believe in a creative God, who wants us to appreciate and nurture our creativity. He’s given us a world of form, shape, color, pattern, and beauty. The art curriculum helps students learn to recognize, enjoy, and evaluate the aesthetic side of God’s creation while becoming aware of their own God-given gifts and abilities. Students explore different mediums for artistic expression, including drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, weaving, textiles, mosaics and more. Students are introduced to art history, learn to identify art by well-known artists, and discuss differences in art from different cultures. The art department encourages students in creative thinking, expression, problem-solving and practical application through art to everyday life.
Students have opportunity to participate in group activities such as drama and/or choir. Students will learn valuable social/life skills such as teamwork, respect, diligence, and responsibility.
We teach traditional classes for all NY State required classes. We use a combination of materials from A Beka Book, Bob Jones Press and others that fit our goals for student development both academically and spiritually. We supplement our core curriculum with personalized materials to broaden our base of educational opportunities for our students. Our experienced and qualified faculty includes the following classes in your student’s curriculum:
• Bible
• Earth Science, Physical Science, Creation Science, Life Science, Chemistry and Physics
• World History, US History and World Studies
• Geography
• English and Literature
• Math, Consumer Math, Algebra I and II, Geometry and Pre-Calculus
• Economics/Government
• Spanish I, II and III
• Physical Education
• Life Skills
• Studio Art, Graphic Design, Photography and Yearbook
• Family and Consumer Science/Life Skills
• Choir
• Drama
• Forensics